Public organizations and businesses are struggling to prevent the spread of disease COVID-19 and proetect employees, customers and the general public.

Responding to the urgent needs of our clients, EUCAT SA has developed a set of practical and effective organizational solutions, as well as equipment and personal protection gear to mitigate the spread of virus SARS-CoV-2 in the workplace, and reduce the spread of coronovirus disease COVID-19.

The heart of a successful COVID-19 program is a workplace-specific exposure control plan (ECP). The plan provides specific guidance and strategies needed to prevent the spread and restore the trust and confidence of employees. 


  • Exposure Assessment in order to identify all potential pathways of virus transmission.
  • Exposure Control Plan for virus risk mitigation in agreement with completent authorities guidelines and good practices.
  • Training of workers, supervisors, and managers in the details of the risk mitigation plan and how to properly use personal protective equipmen, cleaning agents and dissinfection equipment.
  • Cleaning and Disinfection requirements for risk mitigation, and escalating measures in the event of an outbreak.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements reporting and sourcing of distributors.
  • H&S Compliance.  Assure compliance with applicable requirements, and represent clients in the event of an inspection.
  • Audits.  Exposure control plans will likely fail without periodic audits to identify gaps and modify the plan, if necessary. Audit results are discussed with management.


  1. PROMITHEAS dissinfection device.
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